About me


Bio: I'm a dedicated mom of two sweet kids and a caring wife of a professional soccer player. My husband has been a professional soccer player for many years. Currently, he plays and is an assistant coach in the USA for the Milwaukee Wave (indoor) in Wisconsin. But for the past years, he played outdoor for the Atlanta Silverbacks FC, the legendary New York Cosmos and before that he played two years for the San Antonio Scorpions, based out of Texas. We've traveled already to so many places and have met great people all over the world. We've grown up by falling many times but always come out stronger. We decided many years ago to “think outside the box” and it brought us to some of the nicest places. Always remember that every day is a new day! 17 February 2012 my husband and I left the Netherlands with our teeny tiny 3-week old preemie baby and arrived in the USA to follow a dream. Craziness, if I think back to that time! Not the way I thought I'd be starting as a first-time mom. No family, a strange country and no friends. I came on this journey with a vision; I would build my own “American” family and friends for myself and the kid(s) ! And what a set of family and friends I have now after living in the USA for almost 8 years! That’s why I am writing this blog. I've met so many special people and I know I will still meet many more in life. I've experienced so many adventures that I just want to share this with everybody. I hope my stories and adventures can inspire people to live their dreams as well. NL “Het is echt niet altijd glitter en glamour zoals we vaak in de bladen lezen. Dat is maar voor weinig mensen weggelegd. Ik maak de keiharde realiteit mee van een ‘voetballer in de marge’ en dat gaat niet altijd over rozen. Daar schrijf ik over, met een sarcastisch tintje. Mijn droom is om uiteindelijk een boek te schrijven over hoe ik alles heb ervaren.”

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8 thoughts on “About me

  1. How adventurous! I studied abroad in the NL and attended University for a semester. I LOVED it! Hope you are finding yourself at home stateside as I did in your native NL. 🙂

      1. I stayed in Maastricht. Although I visited other towns including Amsterdam, I was so charmed by Maastricht and I wish to return one day. 🙂

  2. I had a flat mate in Prague who was from Utrecht. I learned a lot about the Netherlands! Thanks for checking out my blog and I look forward to reading more of yours.

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