A cheerleader on the sideline (NL)

A cheerleader on the sideline (NL)

Een leuk stukje van Tekstbureau Grenzeloos over mijn leven in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

‘Antarctica Called’

‘Antarctica Called’

Antarctica called... They want their weather back!! We are used to some cold weather in the Netherlands and a lot of snow. But never in my mind I would think I would live in a State that has all of the above, more and to the extreme. This week a dangerous wind chill of -45 [...]



Now that I am here in the USA for almost 6 years, I created almost the same safe place for my family like my parents did for me and my sisters. I married an amazing man, have 2 kids and a wonderful 10 year old psycho cat… Everybody is loved, we travel around the world [...]

‘Harley Davidson Museum’

‘Harley Davidson Museum’

Everybody in the world knows the brand Harley Davidson and we really started to be curious about it, when we figured out that it all began in Milwaukee!! How lucky are we that it is in our town and we can visit their museum, because this is the only real Harley Davidson museum in the [...]