

You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy. After 15 years of lovingly following my dear husband, Hans Denissen's, dream... I finally found my own career-path match that I was looking for. You can be on top of the world and it can change in a blink of an [...]

‘Don’t tell the teacher’

‘Don’t tell the teacher’

My daughter, who is in 3rd grade, will not return to school till at least November due COVID19. I have to step up my game and help her navigate with her virtual schooling. This week I guided her and I was in the background listening to her teacher and classmates. One thing was very clear, [...]

‘We all know them’

‘We all know them’

We all know them… People who can ruin a good meal merely by being themselves. From a young age I already had a problem with people who drink and eat loudly. I’ve spent over 20 years trying to get it under control and it's not really going as planned. (It’s as dramatic as it sounds). [...]

‘Meeting the Amish’

‘Meeting the Amish’

Everyone should have a bucket list! A number of experiences or achievements that you hope to have or accomplish during your lifetime. For years I have the urge to see and maybe even speak to an Amish person. For an unexplainable reason I am intrigued by their live style! Years ago while living in Texas, [...]

Hans Denissen Podcast

Hans Denissen Podcast

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/inspire-greatness/id1456626281?i=1000436367166 A link to a great Podcast of Ian Bennett with Hans Denissen!

‘Not Guilty’

‘Not Guilty’

The year 2018 started off pretty rough for us, because my husband was stuck in Mexico due to a missing stamp in his Passport and he couldn’t come back into the United States… He missed his daughters birthday and made a lot of people nervous back in the US, but that story is for later. [...]

‘American Girl’

‘American Girl’

When my husband is off from soccer training and games we like to drive to Chicago and just walk around and explore the city. These last months were hard because of the intense cold and snow! Wisconsin and Illinois are not known for their warm winter months. But when we are there when it is [...]

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas friends and family!! It is a time for remembering, a time to share the goodness of your heart with others, and for expressing with words and gifts what someone means to you. It is a chance to make wishes come true and to give something from your heart. It is a chance to [...]

Algemeen Dagblad ‘Orkaan Harvey’

Algemeen Dagblad ‘Orkaan Harvey’

ORKAAN HARVEY Windsnelheden tot wel honderddertig kilometer per uur, lege schappen in de supermarkten en orkaan Harvey die jouw kant op komt. Voor de Nederlandse Laura Denissen en haar kinderen is het zaterdagochtend lokale tijd, in een buitenwijk van de Texaanse stad San Antonio, afwachten en hopen dat het meevalt. Klik onderstaande link voor het [...]

Pray for TEXAS

Pray for TEXAS

"Hurricane Harvey was a huge, life-threatening storm. It struck the Central Texas coast (Corpus Christi) last Friday night and brought with it 130 mph winds and several feet of storm surge. Harvey's death toll rose to at least 40 this early Friday morning as floodwaters began to recede in flood-ravaged Houston. Officials fear that now [...]

Summer Summer Summer!

Summer Summer Summer!

So little time and so much to do! Let the summer begin and let the stories come...    

‘No fairy godmother’

‘No fairy godmother’

After a few months of a break with writing… a lot of things happened and one of them is welcoming a healthy baby boy in December. While I am totally dominating this whole parenting thing with two kids, I still have some issues I need to process that I came across while pregnant and giving [...]

Back on Track

Back on Track

After a long break of no writing, it is time to get back on track! So many adventures, a lot of inspiration and new people around us… To be continued



When I grew up in the Netherlands we were not judged on what to wear to a pool or at the beach when we were kids. My parents let me walk around in only a swim bottom for years and I didn’t even know better. It wasn’t strange and most of my friends (girls) did [...]

Mad City

Mad City

When it comes to cold weather, Wisconsin doesn’t mess around. It’s just cruel and unforgiving… But I still give my friends the benefit of the doubt and I will still believe the “summer” is coming. So right now, we are living in the largest city of de State of Wisconsin… Milwaukee. I thought it was [...]

Trip to the Beach

Trip to the Beach

The best part of living in the United States is that you can travel endless and discover the coolest places. A few months ago my daughter and I were invited by our dear friends from Texas to come to Florida! My husband had an away game that weekend, so it was the perfect timing to [...]

The best is yet to come

The best is yet to come

Many adventures, many stories and it’s time to catch up. In the last couple of months I have been to Florida, New York, Wisconsin and many other places I still need to write about. So stay tuned

Chicago ‘My Kind of Town’

Chicago ‘My Kind of Town’

The weather is calmed down a bit and… Oh well…who am I kidding… Not really!! It’s still freezing over here! But the curiosity to discover more “North of the wall” (click here) is still there. My good friend offered me to show me the third largest city in the United States…Chicago, Illinois! The City where [...]

Milwaukee Public Museum

Milwaukee Public Museum

It's time to discover what kind of culture our new place brings. So to start at the beginning... we recently visited the Milwaukee Public Museum. It's a lovely museum. It is very large and even one of the largest natural history museums in the USA. It got a lot of interesting things to see and [...]

To be continued…

To be continued…